Thursday, 21 January 2021

Wood Facts About Hardwood Logs For Sale

Hardwood logs are considered the natural energy resources that are very useful for consumers in the coming years. Today, consumers are increasingly going towards the use of sustainable firewood and environment-friendly renewable energy sources, this is why there are a lot of options that will provide you with the hardwood logs for sale in NSW. This is also because of the benefits of hardwood logs such as better fuel efficiency, generating greater heat output, more economical, and minimum stove and fuel problems.

Types of Wood

  • Hardwood logs are made with the help of hardwood that’s sourced from the local British sustainable woodland. When the trees are cut according to the natural thinning process or for pruning purposes, the woods are generated and are known as hardwood logs. These are good for generating light and fire purposes. 

  • Then, there are freshly harvested wood which consists of the naturally high amount of water i.e. 65-90% depending on the type of species. Eliminating the water from the wood is also known as seasoning. This is a term that is suggested for the periods of time when the wood logs dry out as per the natural air and then some time is recommended as per the drying state of the woods. 

  • Whenever you’re buying wood, always consider cost per kilowatt of the energy. You can always go for the hardwood logs for sale if you’re facing any difficulty in buying hardwood logs. Local supplier seems convenient, however, you must choose your supplier very carefully because some of the suppliers also sale damp wood that is really difficult to burn. Always remember, less moisture means more output in terms of heat. And the more efficient a fire will burn, the less fuel will be required. This is how you check the health of firewood. The higher water content will always prevent the gasses in the wood from igniting. It will allow the gas to escape and it would be unused as 50% of the potential heat will be wasted. 

  • There are different types of wood and all of them differ from each other. On the basis of this, the stove type and efficiency are determined. Wood differs from various other fossil fuels like gas, coal and oil and all this is a part of carbon-neutral cycle. Fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide and the trees absorb this gas and store it in the form of carbon that makes up half the weight of the tree. So, when the wood is burned it will release the same amount back into the atmosphere and put it up exactly in the place where it’s required. So, when a hardwood is burned it releases a similar amount of energy that’s equal to the one that is already present in the atmosphere just like the one where the tree was left to rot. 

  • For the good drying conditions and to dry your hardwood, the logs must be stored in the dry airy air where there’s plenty of airflows. Wood log stores are the ones that provide amazing storage solutions to many of us who are looking to store our hardwoods. 

So, what are you waiting for? Check out the offers on hardwood logs for sale in NSW and make your decision wisely.